
Diana Nimsch, LL.M.

Lawyer specialising in labour law


Diana Nimsch studied law in Cologne and Paris and passed her first state examination in law in 2017. During her studies and legal clerkship in Cologne, she worked as a research assistant at the Centre for International Relations at the University of Cologne. During her legal clerkship, Diana Nimsch spent time at the Consulate General in Houston and in the labour law team of a commercial law firm in Cologne.


After completing her second state examination in law and a master’s degree in business law with a focus on labour law, Diana Nimsch has been working as a lawyer in a major Düsseldorf law firm in the field of conflict resolution since 2021. She joined LLR’s Cologne office at the end of 2022.


She advises both companies and employees comprehensively in all areas of individual and collective labour law.


When Diana Nimsch is not working, she spends time with friends and family in nature – preferably by, in or on the water.